the magic of motorcycles


“Each machine has its own, unique personality which probably could be defined as the intuitive sum total of everything you know and feel about it.”  

-Robert M. Pirsig

From: Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance 

I recently had the privilege of presenting a program before a large audience at the annual national rally of a major motorcycling organization.  To say it was a success would be putting it mildly.  The subject matter has since been repurposed into multiple blog posts in the powersports industry and yielded a feature in a major motorcycling magazine; along with an invitation to speak in front of yet another organization’s membership.  I’m guessing the folks liked it.

My presentation entitled “My Favorite Road Trip” delved into areas not normally discussed at biker gatherings.  Subjects like the experiences of expressing gratitude and falling in love came up.  I also addressed a subject that most motorcyclists try to avoid.  A discussion of longevity and the inevitability of one day taking our last ride.  You can read my blog post about the program by clicking on the image below:

favorite road trips

Why Do We Ride?

In a previous blog post, that proved to be extremely popular with the Roadcraft USA audience, we discussed the age-old question of “Why Do You Ride?”  Different people offered different reasons about the magic of motorcycles.  The usual responses were posted.  Freedom, autonomy, the challenge, escape from everyday pressures, camaraderie.  I offered up one of my personal reasons in that post.  I stated

“My motorcycle is my own personal time machine.  It allows me to return to places I’ve visited in the past and reconnect with people that have earned special spots in my heart.  Even when I’m headed off in a different direction and meeting new people; the memories of something once experienced, long ago, seem to be ever more deeply rooted in my heart and mind because of the motorcycle.  Because of the adventure.  Because of the enchantment that is only understood by those who travel on two wheels.”

Traveling Back In Time

A motorcycle becomes a vessel that transcends time, transporting its rider to a realm of cherished memories and the embrace of happier days.  The road becomes a conduit to the past, unfurling like the pages of a novel. The wind carries whispers of forgotten encounters, and the roar of the exhaust intertwines with the echoes of laughter shared under starlit skies, jubilant hands held high in the wind, and stolen glances that spoke volumes.

the magic of motorcycles

The scent of open fields, blooming flowers and even those dastardly fresh grass clippings at the edge of the road mingle with the scent of nostalgia.  With every twist of the throttle, the motorcycle becomes a time machine, traversing the distance between the present and yesteryears.  The journey is not merely across physical distance but across the landscapes of the heart and mind as well.

Life’s beauty lies not only in the moments we live, but in the memories we cherish.  Our motorcycle odyssey becomes a collage of nostalgia, a scrapbook of moments that color our existence with shades of laughter, love, and a healthy dose of embarrassing stories that we’d rather keep to ourselves.  The magic of motorcycles, it seems, is the way they remind the rider that the road behind is as important as the one ahead.  Within the purr of the engine, and the rush of the wind, exists a direct pipeline to days that have slipped through the fingers of time.

A Way Of Life

If ever there were words that I could permanently erase from the English language, it would be the phrase “Live To Ride”.  They have been emblazoned across the front of hundreds of thousands of T-Shirts and printed on just as many bumper stickers.  To say that it is a cliché is an understatement of the highest order.  There are so few motorcyclists that truly “Live To Ride”…and that’s okay.  Not everyone is equally passionate about two-wheeled travel.

sport touring adventures

To some of us, though, motorcycle riding is not a mere fad—it’s a testament to the very essence of human curiosity and adventure. It’s not a hobby—it’s a lifelong pursuit of self-discovery, connecting with both the external world and the innermost facets of one’s being. It’s not a mid-life crisis activity—it’s a timeless engagement with the very fabric of our existence.  Motorcycling paints a vivid picture—a picture that speaks to the yearning for freedom, exploration, and a profound connection with the world that lies beyond the horizon.

Many different activities have captured my attention and commandeered my time over the years.  Few endeavors stand the test of time and passion like motorcycle riding. It transcends mere trends, hobbies, or transient mid-life crisis fixes. Instead, it emerges as a profound way of life—an intricate, exhilarating, and often spiritual journey that its participants ardently embrace until the final echoes of their existence.  It’s about diving headfirst into life, laughing all the way, and refusing to let that pesky age thing get in the way of epic adventure.  With a little luck I’ll celebrate my 70th birthday next year.  My birthday wish is to continue riding well into my eighth decade here on this planet.

the magic of motorcycles

If everyone could possibly understand just how much fun motorcycling is…the magic of motorcycles…there would be ten times as many bikes on the road and half as many cars.  The world would instantly become a better place.  And that would be just fine by me.

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