AI in professional imaging


It’s been a while since I addressed the hot button topic of AI in professional imaging.  A lot has happened in the world of artificial intelligence since my last post.  If you haven’t been paying attention I’m going to take a few moments to bring you all up to speed. Nearly three months ago I wrote that AI image generation was getting better “EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.”  I had no idea just how correct that statement was going to be.  Truth be told, AI is getting better by the hour…by the minute even.

Remember…we’re working with “machine learning” technology  here.  These machines learn very quickly.  They don’t follow any explicit instructions.  They simply create statistical models and algorithms to analyze and draw inferences from patterns in the data that is being fed to them.  And they’re being fed very well theses days.  With millions and millions of people exploring the technology now, the data is flowing in at an astonishing rate.  The machines are learning more and more….faster and faster.  Every. Single. Day.

creating great prompts in Midjourney

My current Facebook cover shot. Image courtesy of AI technology

Some New Talent In The AI Pool

I had real wake up call this past week regarding the use of AI in professional imaging.  On social media I saw some work from two photographers that I know personally.  These are not just some casual acquaintances I made in my four decade long career as a professional photographer.  These, in my opinion, are two of the most accomplished, creative, inspirational and technically-proficient photographers working in the world today.  Living legends. True genius.

The surprise was that both of these image-makers posted their AI image creations online, without reservation, for the whole world to see.  That’s right. Two of the greatest photographers on the planet are, unashamedly, using AI to create fresh, innovative, visually stunning images.  I’m sure many others are as well.

AI in professional imaging

Two AI creations composited together in Photoshop with text added

AI Images Are What You Make Them

These two image-makers specialize in two entirely different genres of photography.  Their use of AI in professional imaging is as distinctive as their conventional photographic work.  This got me thinking about one of the biggest philosophical questions surrounding the use of AI in professional imaging.  Is the “bot” creating the image or is the photographer still at the controls?

Both of these photographer’s AI creations were remarkably similar in context, mood and character to their traditional photographic creations.  They both just got to “push the envelope” a little further than they could in the real world.  I’ve said it before:  AI is just another tool in the photographer’s toolbox.  Knowing when to use it and how to use it will set you apart from all of the other players in the game.  It’s here to stay.  If you want to remain relevant and competitive in the professional photography marketplace you’ll have to embrace this emerging technology or go the way of the dinosaurs.

The computer is becoming one of the most important tools in a photographer’s kit. A smartphone will do the trick too!

Prompts: The Secret To Extraordinary Images

AI in professional imaging starts with the prompts you give the image generator to create the image.  The image generator is just a computer.  When I first starting playing around with computers in the dark ages of the late 1980’s I heard a great quote that said: “Computers don’t do what you want them to do; they do what you tell them to do.”  That statement is truer than ever in the world of computer-generated imaging.


The prompts are everything; and this is where most people are falling short in their efforts.  Too many people are going into their bot’s public forums and simply copying & pasting the prompts of images that they are attracted to.  Entire online forums and Facebook groups have been created where people “share” their prompts with one another.  It’s no wonder that everyone’s “creative” work is looking the same.

AI in professional imaging

A B2B (Business To Business -or- Blog To Brand) advertisement created using AI and Photoshop

In a chat with one of the photographers I mentioned above I discovered the “secret” to composing great prompts that will yield great imagery.  Going forward I plan to devote an entire blog post (or series of posts) just to that topic.  After just a few months of ‘playing around’ with my chosen AI image generator, Midjourney; I just started using my new prompting techniques over the past few days.  The results have been astonishing to say the least.

Ask Yourself What You’re Trying To Create

What type of imagery do you wish to create?  If you’re a working professional photographer already you can probably answer that question easily.  If you’re just “fooling around” with AI imaging for fun, then you probably don’t have to answer that question at all.  Copy and paste other people’s prompts and enjoy the similar results you’ll get.

Personally, I’ve been using AI in professional imaging to enhance this very blog.  I have a need to create images that convey a certain scene or mood, or support a philosophical viewpoint.  I need them quickly…often determining the need for them at the same time that I’m engaged in the actual process of writing a blog post.  I need them to be photorealistic and impactful.  I need them to be relevant. I need them to convey a certain emotion or tell a specific story.

Cowboys & Indians • The latest version of Midjourney delivers incredibly photorealistic portraits 

AI imaging, coupled with my decades of experience as a professional photographer, has enabled me to meet all of these requirements quickly, creatively and economically.  You can poke around this blog a bit to see the type of work I’ve been creating over the past few months.  I personally created every single image in this post using AI. I can’t wait to share with you the “new stuff” that’s coming once I’ve experimented with the valuable lessons I recently learned about effective prompting.

It’s New, But It’s Not Just A Fad

What must be kept in mind is that AI in professional imaging is just in its infancy.  This is one of those blog posts that won’t age too well.  The information in it will be obsolete sooner than that new digital camera you just invested your hard-earned money in.  We’ve only seen the tip of the iceberg at this point in time.  Whatever complaints photographers may have right now about the performance or limitations of AI image generators will be addressed and corrected faster than you can possibly imagine.  The advances that have been made over the past few months when I started exploring AI are mind boggling.  I, personally, can’t wait to see what’s coming next.

As always we welcome your comments below.  If you have any specific personal questions you would like answered, please do not hesitate to contact me directly via email.

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